information related to industrial human resorces development.
SKY Newsletter 06. 15. 2018
About SKY project (Skills and Knowledge for Youth)
SKY is an interdisciplinary team of scholars in Nagoya University to apply academic knowledge for industrial skills development in Africa and Asia. We are aiming to develop an efficient assessment module for industrial skills to fill the gap between the existing training programs and skills demanded by the industries.


SKY newsletter aims to provide information about industrial skills development and skills for employability in Africa and Asia. In addition to the updates of SKY project activities, the newsletter will provide recent news, public comments, reports, research papers, and other publications on issues related to skills, employment, and education and training.
★SKY project What's new★
★Hot issue of skills development in the world★
今回はTrainersについて、Work-based learning (WBL)とSmall and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)に焦点を当てて調査したレポート2本をご紹介します。

The reports here discuss issues related to 'trainers' focusing on work-based learning (WBL) and small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs).
Teachers and Trainers in work-based learning/apprenticeships
Mapping of models and practices supporting the ET 2020 Working Group on Teachers & Trainers in work-based learning (WBL).
(Europian Comission, 2017)


Work-based learning in Vocational education and training provides important benefits, by increasing employability and smoother school to work transition. This report focuses on governance arrangement in place for professionals involved in WBL, and cooperation between schools and companies.
★Viewpoint by Chisaki Miwa
「hybrid-model teachers」=職業訓練機関と企業両方で働く教員やトレーナー
職業訓練機関と企業間のスキルミスマッチを軽減する試みとしてhybrid-model teachersの事例が紹介されています。

This report introduces the possibility of 'hybrid-model teachers' who work both in VET institutions and companies. They could provide a solution to closing gaps between VET institutions and companies.

"Blue Careers – STC (Scheepvaart en Transport College)" (Europian Comission, 2017, p.45)

このレポートは、社内トレーナー(in-company trainers)の役割と、彼らの専門的能力開発に関する調査です。ヨーロッパ各国のSMEsのトレーナー、彼らの雇用主への質問紙調査を元に、in-company trainersの果たす役割の重要性について分析されています。

This report is the study on the role of in-company trainers and their competency development in SMEs. The analysis of surveys was conducted to collect the view of trainers and their employers in SMEs in Europe. The findings shows in-company trainers' potential as important  multipliers of lifelong learning and skill formation in SMEs.

★Viewpoint by Chisaki Miwa

The finding shows that the existing programs tend to expend on supporting the external training and external trainers. However, for not only new employees training but also lifelong learning and the development of a skilled workforce, in-company trainers' potential should be recognized. 

"In-company trainers are key to he successful implementation of innovation and organized learning through their role in facilitating knowledge transfer and contributing to the development of skilled workforce within a company." (Cedefop, 2015, p.120)

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